World Earth Day : April 22, 2013

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Earth Day 2013 theme is “The Face of Climate Change”

Earth Day is commemorated April 22nd each single year, both held yearly during autumn in southern hemisphere and in northern hemisphere. And these are planned to inspire attentiveness and admiration for the Earth’s surroundings. The United Nations commemorates an Earth Day every year on March equinox, a custom which was established by peace campaigner John McConnell in 1969. A second Earth Day, which was established through U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson as an ecological teach-in in 1970, is commemorated in several countries every year on 22nd April.

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Earth Day Quote

 “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.”- Earth Day Quotes By Mohandas K. Gandhi quoted in EF Schumacher, Small is Beautiful.


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